The resurrection of dead dogs in Russia in the 1930s. An unstoppable heart in the US half a century later.
And now in London a hand-made heart attack. How a strange, paradoxical discovery is helping to save lives...

Monday, 1 March 2010

FREE FOOTAGE FROM THE PRELINGER ARCHIVES - Experiments in the Revival of Organisms (1940)

We used 1940 film footage from the controversial cult film "Experiments in the Revival of Organisms", showing experiments performed by Soviet scientists reviving the lungs, heart, and even the head of dogs. It's in the public domain – one can find (and use!) this and thousands of other treasures in the wonderful Prelinger Archives. Thanks Rick!


riesen2b said...

I actually watched this before coming here. I followed a link from a comment someone had made about your video. Both videos were fascinating especially since I had never heard about any of this. Thanks for making this video and opening my eyes to an interesting aspect of medical science.

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